How to install spesific python version
18 January, 2024 by
How to install spesific python version
Aris Khumaini
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Cara melakukan instalasi spesifik python versi
1. Buka halaman official Python source code webpage dan pilih versi yang akan diinstall, copy link untuk versi Gzipped source tarball:
3. Gunakan wget command dan link di atas untuk mendownload Python terbaru
Step 4: Extract file
Pada step ini, extract the tgz file Jalankan perintah
tar -xf Python-3.12.1.tgz

Step 5: Test System and Optimize Python
Sebelum install pastikan melakukan testing dan optimasi python
./configure --enable-optimizations
Step 6: Install Python
Setelah selesai, jalan perintah berikut untuk instalasi
sudo make install
Note: If you already have Python 3, but want to create a second Python installation on top of that one, run the following command:
sudo make altinstall
Allow the process to complete.
Step 7: Verify Python Version
Check if the installation completed correctly by running:
python3 --version
The command should show the program version you installed.

How to install spesific python version
Aris Khumaini 18 January, 2024
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